2022.01 | An Analysis of Students’ failing in University Based on Least Square Method and a New arctan − exp Logistic Regression Function | Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2022.12 | Conformable分数阶单机无穷大电力系统的混沌容错同步 | 应用数学进展 |
2020.02 2020.04 | The Application of Zhang-Gradient Method for Iterative Learning Control 矩阵微分系统的迭代学习控制 | Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics 菏泽学院学报 |
2018.06 | The application of vector Lyapunov functions in iterative learning control | Advances in Computer Science Research |
2018.05 | Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Uncertain Robotic Manipulator | Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2016.08 | The Effect of Initial State Error for Nonlinear Systems with Delay via Iterative Learning Control | Advances in Mathematical Physics |
2015.10 | Chaotic tolerant synchronization analysis with propagation delay and actuator faults | Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2015.03 | Applications of Nonlinear Measure about l2-norm to Synchronization Analysis of Complex Networks via the General Intermittent Control | Annals of Applied Mathematics |
2014.06 | A Class of Vector Lyapunov Functions for Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Impulsive Differential Systems | Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2016.02 | Intermittent synchronization of time-varying delays neural networks using sampled-data control | Pioneer Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences |
2014.06 | Synchronization analysis of multiple systems based on a class of symmetric matrix | The Bio Technology: An Indian Journal |
2020.10 | 非线性微分系统的控制算法及应用 | 经济管理出版社 |