王永亮 (1971-),男,山东日照人,副教授,硕士,研究方向:教育数学,代数数论
Email: wyldxx@sohu.com
[1] Xu Kejian, Wang Yongliang. SeveralDiophantine equations in some rings of integers of quadratic imaginary fields[J].Algebra Colloquium, 2007, 14:4: 661-668 (SCI)
[2] Xu Kejian, Wang Yongliang.On theelements of prime power order in K2(Q) [J]. Journal of NumberTheory, 2008 (128): 468-474 (SCI)
[3] 王永亮.Pocklington方程在Z[ω]中的解[J].山东大学学报(理学版),2008(9):94-96
WANG Yongliang. On solutions ofPocklington equation in Z[
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[4] 王永亮.几个不定方程在Q(
WANG Yongliang. Solutions to some Diophantineequations over Q[
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[5] 王永亮.费尔玛下降法在一实二次域中的应用[J].江南大学学报(自然科学版),2009(3):372-374
WANG Yongliang.An application of Fermat’s method of descentto a real quadratic field. Journal of Jiangnan University (Natural ScienceEdition) [J]. 2009(3):372-374
[6] 王永亮.Q(
WANG Yongliang. On solutions ofFermat equations in Q[
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