张培国,教授,硕士生导师,北京大学数学科学学院访问学者,菏泽学院应用数学重点学科负责人,菏泽学院应用数学中青年学术骨干,2013年入选菏泽学院“5136”人才工程人才。主要研究方向为非线性泛函分析及其应用。担任《数学分析》、《概率论与数理统计》、《泛函分析》、《高等数学》等课程的教学及科研工作。2010年以来先后在《数学学报》、《Boundary Value Problems》、《Fixed Point Theory and Applications》、《系统科学与数学》、《Abstract and Applied Analysis》、《Applied Mathematics Letters》等国际国内知名学术期刊上发表学术期刊论文20余篇,SCI收录6篇。
[1] 张培国,刘立山.序Banach空间非混合单调二元算子不动点的存在唯一性及应用.数学学报,2010,53(1):55-61.
[2] Peiguo Zhang.Iterative Solutions of Singular Boundary Value Problems of Third-Order Differential Equation.Boundary Value Problems,Volume 2011,Article ID 483057,10 pages.(SCI收录).
[3] Peiguo Zhang.Existence of Positive Solutions for Nonlocal Second-Order Boundary Value Problem with Variable Parameter in Banach spaces.Fixed Point Theory and Applications,Volume 2011,2011:43,6 pages.(SCI收录).
[4] 张培国,刘立山,赵红革.一类二阶奇异微分方程的迭代解.系统科学与数学,2012,32(7):872-879.
[5] Peiguo Zhang,Lishan Liu,Yonghong Wu.Existence and Uniqueness of Solution to Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems with Sign-Changing Green's Function.Abstract and Applied Analysis,Volume 2013,Article ID 640183,7 pages.(SCI收录).
[6] Xinan Hao,Peiguo Zhang,Lishan Liu.Iterative solutions of singular (k,n-k) conjugate boundary value problems with dependence on the derivatives.Applied Mathematics Letters,2014,27(1):64-69.(SCI收录).
[7] Peiguo Zhang,Xinan Hao.Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a class of nonlinear integro-differential equations on unbounded domains in Banach spaces.Advances in Difference Equations,Volume 2018,Article ID 247,7 pages.(SCI收录).
[8] Peiguo Zhang,Xinan Hao,Lishan Liu.Existence and uniqueness of the global solution for a class of nonlinear fractional integro-differential equations in a Banach space.Advances in Difference Equations,2019,Article ID 135,10 pages.(SCI收录).